Contact Us
Woodworking classes & Commisson Furniture
The Heartwood Creative Woodworking workshop is moving to:
Heartwood Creative Workshop
3/13 Old Dairy Close
Moss Vale NSW 2577
Phone Enquiries:
Carol's Mobile: 0403 761 958
Use the form on the right to contact us.
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Heartwood Creative Workshop, 1A, Building A, 10 Carrington Road
Marrickville NSW 2204
Woodwork classes in Sydney at Heartwood Creative Woodworking. Learn traditional woodwork skills with Stuart Faulkner and our talented team. Focus on traditional woodwork hand skills. Create beautiful objects in wood. Beginners to advanced. Small class sizes. Woodworking classes - evenings, weekends and short courses.
The Heartwood Creative Woodworking workshop is moving to:
Heartwood Creative Workshop
3/13 Old Dairy Close
Moss Vale NSW 2577
Phone Enquiries:
Carol's Mobile: 0403 761 958