Woodies 4 Day Table Making Course
We recently worked in conjunction with the Woodworkers Assoc NSW to offer a 4 day members only table making course. Participants took rough sawn timber to a fully completed project, along the way practising handskills and making full use of the machine room. We also discussed different approaches to making joints, creating tapers, marking out and all manner of woodworking topics. A really fun way to start the New Year.
Keeping Cool With Spoon Carving
A regular calendar event and a favourite of our Heartwood regulars, Fiona Glover’s summer spoon carving course had us entertained while we learnt how to perfect our carving skills to create unique coffee scoops, cooking spoons and salad servers.
Coffee Table
Maker: Sebastian Wood
Sebastian recently completed this American White oak table. It is a dry structure featuring Black Walnut through wedged tenons. The top was oiled and waxed, and makes the most of the “cathedral” figure in the back sawn boards.
“Oxford Chairs” by Stuart Faulkner at AWR Studio Furniture 2018
White Oak and Leather
Images by Guy Wilkinson
AWR Studio Furniture 2018
An exhibition of international standard showcasing the skills of sixty makers from Australia, New Zealand and Europe. Presented by Australian Wood Review and dedicated to the life and achievements of Matthew Harding.
“Within each piece presented in AWR Studio Furniture 2018 the voice of the maker is clear and undisputed in the story that it tells. Studio Furniture is as much about the maker, their influences, history and sense of place as it is about the work itself”. Linda Nathan - Editor AWR
Exhibition Extended:
Ends: 28 February, 2019
Where: Bungendore Woodworks Gallery
Timber - We Love it!
In case your'e wondering what timber we use and where it comes from, here's the answer. We are supported by a knowledgeable team at our local timber yard, Anagote Timbers, where we buy furniture grade hardwoods. The majority of timber we use carries certification marks like FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) and ASH (Australian Sustainable Hardwoods) while other timber is plantation grown
Martijn's Bedside Table
This recently completed bedside table was based on a piece that Martijn found in a Council cleanup. Unfortunately, the original was beyond saving but Martijn loved the design. He used Tasmanian Blackwood, solid and veneered board left over from a fellow student’s project to achieve this piece. The dimensions were adjusted to suit the material available while keeping the integrity of the original find. We think this is a beautiful and practical solution on many levels along with offering a number of different learning opportunities.
We Heart 3M!
We welcome partnerships with top quality companies so it was a pleasure to host the team from 3M in the workshop recently when they photographed product for their new marketing material. Instructors Ben and Stuart helped out and our students all agree that the new 3M ear muffs are much more comfortable than our old ones.
3M generously donated a large amount of product that will be distrubuted to schools and not for profit organisations that we are associated with. Thank you 3M, we can’t wait to share the love.
AWR L!VE: Tools For Design
Sat 4th Aug, Monkey Baa, Sydney
If you want to gain an insight into the design and making practice of some of Australia’s leading furniture designer/makers and educators in wood then this event is for you. Our very own Ben Percy will be joining speakers Laura McCusker, Roy Schack, Adam Markowitz and Helmut Lueckenhausen in a half day event hosted by AWR Magazine.
Ben Percy on the cover of the current issue of Australian Wood Review Magazine. Someone's been a bit creative!
Local Student Highly Commended in AWR Student Comp.
Congratulations to Jarvis Mumford-Day of Dulwich High School of Visual Arts & Design for his coffee table with drawers that received a Highly Commended from the the judges in the AWR student competition. Congratulations also to teacher Isidoro Felman. This is the first time Dully High has entered the competition so we hope to see more in the future - High Five!!!
Jarvis with his Circular Table. Image courtesy of Australian Wood Review
Kip Stewart Bookcase
We love this retro bookcase by ongoing furniture making student Vern using solid Tasmanian Blackwood and veneered board. The most challenging aspect of this project was the curved legs and a number of test legs were made in the planning stages as well as customised jigs that enabled Vern to quickly and successfully repeat production processes. The finish was created using layers of blonde shellac and is underpinned by Vern’s sanding efforts that make this piece truly sing. This bookcase is based on a 1950’s bookcase designed by Kip Stewart for Drexel Declaration.
Chatoyance - Master Woodworkers Exhibition
By Studio Woodworkers Australia (SWA)
18th Feb – 8th April
If you love wood, don’t miss this exciting exhibition by some of Australia’s acclaimed and favourite craftspeople. SWA members (some working in collaboration with emerging makers) will showcase their skills and explore the meaning of “Chatoyance”. Derived from the French “chatoyer” meaning “to shine like a cat's eye”, in woodworking terms this describes a “shimmer” “figure” or three-dimensional characteristic in timber highly sought after by furniture makers. Stuart is a member of SWA and is a participant in this exhibition.
Until: 8th April, Where: Sturt Craft Centre, Range Road, Mittagong
Featured Work: "Plan B Bench" by Stuart Faulkner, Sculpture by Leon Sudubin, "Chatyoance" Sign by Peter Young.
Shape 2016
We took part in the Powerhouse Museum's educational initiative to support the HSC seminar program for high school students. The seminar series coincided with "Shape 2016" an exhibition featuring the top 36 HSC Major Design Projects from last year.
Hope Chest
There were a number of firsts in this chest made by furniture making student Nick including experiments with CNC and resin along with cutting the dovetails by hand. A stunning array of timbers all sourced locally from Anagote Timbers were used including; Silky Oak, NG Rosewood and Silver Ash. Orange leather supplied by John at Hide Leather. This is a truly wonderful piece that displays a variety of skills and determination to get the details just right.
Den Fair - Melb 8 - 10 June, 2017
Furniture making student Ed Ko was selected to exhibit his “Helio Stool” at Den Fair 2017. Eddy was one of twelve emerging designer/makers selected for 'Front Centre'.
'Together Again' - Alumni was an exhibition of 14 makers who graduated within the first 20 years of Sturt School For Wood.
Australian Wood Review Magazine Issue 95
Stuart joined invited graduates from the first 20 years of the Sturt School for Wood in the school's inaugral exhibition "Alumni". The exhibition showcased some of Australia's leading furniture makers and teachers and their current work practices.
MYBENCH at the Sydney Timber & Working with Wood Show - June
Thank you to everyone who came along to the Woodworkers Assn NSW stand to say hello and look at our new woodworking bench mybench Our "Make a Workbench Course" is now up and running.