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Heartwood Creative Workshop, 1A, Building A, 10 Carrington Road
Marrickville NSW 2204


Woodwork classes in Sydney at Heartwood Creative Woodworking. Learn traditional woodwork skills with Stuart Faulkner and our talented team. Focus on traditional woodwork hand skills. Create beautiful objects in wood. Beginners to advanced. Small class sizes.  Woodworking classes - evenings, weekends and short courses.



Woodworking classes for the creative at Heart

At Heartwood Creative Woodworking you can master the traditional skills of creating beautiful objects in wood.

Using finely crafted hand tools in our well equipped workshop, you will discover your own surprising abilities, and find new levels of patience and appreciation for beauty in the items you craft by hand.

Our team of talented instructors offer a range of professional skills including furniture and industrial design, cabinet making, finishing and restoration, and teaching appointments in some of Australia and New Zealand's premier Wood Schools.

Join a course and meet owner and principal instructor Stuart Faulkner and the team at our purpose built workshop in Sydney's inner city suburb of Marrickville, and see the possibilities.

8x8 Intro to beginners woodworking

“Thank you Carol for the awesome event. I've been to many workshops like this and yours tops the list”. Dick, Chicago